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Site now uses AWS Codepipline.

I wanted to find a way to use my pre-existing GitHub remote repository to somehow directly connect to my AWS s3 bucket for this very website. I found some advice on Medium with a quick google search that outlines how to automate static website deployment from Github to S3 using AWS CodePipeline.

This is a bit of a mouthful, but it turned out to be pretty easy and at $1/month, and only for months that I actually push changes to my repo, it seems like a pretty good deal to me.

AWS Billing?

Currently I use a few different AWS services as a free-tier user:

  • route53: domain registration;
  • s3: static web hosting using public buckets and files;
  • Certificate management: free SSL certificate;
  • CloudFront: redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS; and finally,
  • Codepipeline: to automate deployment from Github to S3 using webhooks.

However, not all of these services are free, but I know that the charges are minimal. Still, I wanted to review my billing with AWS. Luckily they have a great billing & cost management dashboard integrated into the AWS console.