It can be verified that T_285 = P_165 = H_143 = 40755. Find the next triangle number that is also pentagonal and hexagonal. Run this solution at here.
from math import ceil
# as all three types of numbers can be expressed as the
# solution of a quadratic, we can create simple test
# functions for them
def quad(a,b,c):
n = max((-b + (b*b - 4*a*c)**0.5) / (2*a), \
(-b - (b*b - 4*a*c)**0.5) / (2*a))
return n
def check_pent(P):
k = quad(3,-1,-2*P)
# check if k is an integer, if so it is pentagonal
if ceil(k) == k:
return True
def check_hex(H):
k = quad(2,-1,-H)
if ceil(k) == k:
return True
# just a guess of an upper bound
upper = 100000
# create a list of triangular numbers
triangular = [n*(n+1)//2 for n in range(1, upper)]
# then check for each tri number, if they are also pents and hexs
for tri in triangular:
if check_pent(tri) and check_hex(tri):