Project Euler

Problem 41: Pandigital prime

What is the largest n-digit pandigital prime that exists? Run this solution at here.

        # note: there are less pandigital numbers below N than there are primes, hence:
        #1. create a list of (ordered) pandigital numbers
        #2. check if they are prime

        from itertools import permutations
        from check_prime import check_prime

        def pandigital_list(k):
          """create a list of sorted pandigital numbers less than a given k-th digit number by permuting through a list of digits that increases from 1 to n"""

          pandigitals = []
          digits = [1]
          maxpd = 1

          # number of digits of max pandigital is less than the digits
          # in the upper bound
          while len(str(maxpd)) < k:
            # 'permutations' generator sorts lexicographically
            # hence the list will be ordered
            table = list(permutations(digits))
            for tpl in table:
              num = [str(x) for x in tpl]
              num = ''.join(num)
            maxpd = pandigitals[-1]

            n = digits[-1]

          return pandigitals

        # ------------------------------------------

        pandigitals = pandigital_list(7)

        maxprime = 2
        for pd in pandigitals:
          if check_prime(pd):
            # as pandigitals is an ordered list (see 'permutations' doc)
            # we can just take the next prime pd as maxprime
            maxprime = pd



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