Project Euler

Problem 36: Double-base palindromes

The decimal number, 585 = 1001001001_2 (binary), is palindromic in both bases. Find the sum of all numbers, less than one million, which are palindromic in base 10 and base 2. Run this solution at here.

        def is_palin(num):
          #test if num is a palindrome, where num is an integer
          n1 = str(num)
          n2 = n1[::-1]

          if int(n1) == int(n2):

        # pre-calculate all palindromes less than one million
        palin_list = [i for i in range(1,1000000) if is_palin(i)]

        total = 0

        for n in palin_list:
          # create a decimal version of a palindrome
          # and remove the 0b prefix
          b = int(str(bin(n))[2:])
          if is_palin(b):
            total += n


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