Project Euler

Problem 26: Reciprocal cycles

Find the value of d < 1000 for which 1/d contains the longest recurring cycle in its decimal fraction part. Run this solution at here.

        # ISSUE: all floating point fractions/decimals in base 10 
        # are actually close approximations by binary fractions but not exactly
        # Instead use a long division method

        def unit_fraction(n,k):
          """returns a string of 'k' numbers that are the decimals of the unit fraction 1/n using an algorithm which replicates long division"""
          dec_list = [10 // n]
          r = 10 % n
          for i in range(1, k):
            dec = (10 * r) // n
            r = (10 * r) % n
          return ''.join(map(str,dec_list))

        def cyc_check(s):
          """check if a string contains recurring cycles of numbers"""
          substring = ''
          # start from 100 to check long substrings only
          for i in range(100,len(s)): 
            substring = s[:i]
            # if 'a substring'  == a string which starts after the end of the first substring
            # and is the same length as 'a substring'
            if substring == s[len(substring):2*len(substring)]:
              return substring

        start = time.time()

        answer = 0
        max_ss = ''
        # check large, odd numbers only
        for x in range(801,1000,2):
          substring = cyc_check(unit_fraction(x,10000))
          if type(substring) == str:
            if len(max_ss) < len(substring):
              max_ss = substring
              answer = x


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