Project Euler

Problem 4: Largest Palindrome Product

Find the largest palindrome made from the product of two 3-digit numbers. Run this solution at here.

        #1. How to test a number is a palindrome?
          #Turn the number into a string 
          #Reverse it 
          #Back into an integer 
          #Does it equal the initial number? Yes = Palindrome

        #2. How to test the product of two 3-digit numbers is the LARGEST palindrome?
         #First is the product a palindrome?
         #Is it bigger than the last palindromic product? 

        def is_palin(num):
          #test if num is a palindrome, where num is an integer
          n1 = str(num)
          n2 = n1[::-1]

          if int(n1) == int(n2):

        max_pal = 0

        for i in range(100,1000):
          for j in range(100,1000):
            if is_palin(i*j) and i*j > max_pal:
              max_pal = i*j


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