After looking at all the costs and the needs of this personal website, I decided to make the move to Netlify a few months ago. I followed this article in order to simplify migrating. It made the move very easy.
Beyond just costs, moving to Netlify was an easy choice as Jekyll is used natively, which is a great build tool that makes it easy to create blogging micro-sites such as this one. Moreover, building and deployment is a lot easier now with Netlify, as previously discussed, I had a fairly complicated setup using AWS which is quickly summarised in the following map...
The previous AWS deployment map.
Netlify utilises my Github repo for web hosting so I was able to eliminate not only my s3 bucket, but also my CodePipeline from Github to the bucket. Furthermore Netlify is a fully fledged CDN so need for cloudflare, and they do free SSH Certificate verification to boot!
Now deploying is as easy as add/commit/pushing to my remote repo and Netlify takes care of the rest :)